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HQ Digi-Devotional 11 – Goodness, pt. 2

Connected in Goodness

On Wednesday we looked at Ephesians 2:10 and talked about how we were created to do good works and we are happier doing what we were created to do. Another verse we looked at on Wednesday was Galatians 6:9, where it says, “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” Those of us who know we were created for goodness also know how easy it is to lose heart in doing good. It’s a weariness we all must fight against and it shows itself in different ways. Sometimes it comes in the form of thinking our efforts aren’t making a difference, other times it comes in the form of feeling like we don’t have the same impact we once had. Sometimes it shows up as the awkwardness we can sometimes feel when doing good for others, or a fear that our efforts might fail or be rejected.

Nevertheless, the principle of reaping and sowing is tried and true. It would be incredibly foolish of a farmer to put the work into planting a field only to quit before the harvest because the work was too hard. After Galatians 6:9, the very next next verse (which is 6:10, go figure!) says, “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” Notice it doesn’t say to do good only when you feel like it, or to do good to only those who are also good to you. It says, “while we have opportunity.” In other words, our eyes should always be on the lookout for opportunities for goodness. Our focus should always be on what is good.

Ryan taught us in Saturday’s devotion that goodness is good for you. With that said I’d like you to understand that, when we do it right, goodness is good for everyone.. However, I would like to also point out that verse 10 does say, “. . .do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” If you’re losing heart from doing good, because of increasing doubts and fears, and you don’t want to quit before you reap the rewards, then a brother or sister of the faith, who knows the same struggles of goodness, can provide you with just the encouragement you need by being there to do good for you.

I’ll leave you with this. God knew what He was doing. He knows our weaknesses and our limitations. He knows in order to continue doing good we need others in our lives who are doing good to us. Goodness is good for everyone, especially those who are of the household of the faith.


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